PIMS Focus Group on Representations in Arithmetic: Adic Spaces

Speaker: Kiran Kedlaya, University of California, San Diego (http://www.kskedlaya.org/)

Topic: Adic spaces

Location: from UBC and on https://bluejeans.com/211681494/browser

More details on joining the lecture: http://www.pims.math.ca/scientific-event/170220-rakk

Notes from Prof. Kedlaya (and also part of the 2017 Arizona Winter School):

- https://cloud.sagemath.com/projects/7da27120-4e06-4340-bbcb-70054d89ac67...
- Supplemented with background from Jared Weinstein's lecture notes: http://swc.math.arizona.edu/aws/2017/2017WeinsteinNotes.pdf

This lecture series is part of the PIMS Focus Group on Representations in Arithmetic.

Event Date: 
Monday, February 20, 2017 - 14:00 to 15:00
Event Type: