Arthur packets for p-adic G2
Lab: Clifton Cunningham, Andrew Fiori and Qing Zhang
In this project we calculate ABV-packets for all unipotent representations of p-adic G_2(F) and show that they generalize Arthur packets to these representations.
Lab: Clifton Cunningham, Andrew Fiori and Qing Zhang
In this project we calculate ABV-packets for all unipotent representations of p-adic G_2(F) and show that they generalize Arthur packets to these representations.
Lab: Clifton Cunningham, Andrew Fiori, James Mracek Ahmed Moussaoui and Bin Xu
A geometric approach to Arthur packets for p-adic groups
Lab: Jeffrey Achter, Clifton Cunningham, Lassina Dembele and Majid Shahabi
Lifts of Hilbert modular forms and application to a conjecture of Gross, by Clifton Cunningham and Lassina Dembélé