James Mracek thesis defence, Part 1

Title: Applications of algebraic microlocal analysis in symplectic geometry and representation theory
Location: BA6183, Bahen Center, 40 St. George St.
Speaker: James Mracek
Speaker URL: http://blog.math.toronto.edu/GraduateBlog/files/2017/01/ut-thesis-002.pdf
Institution: University of Toronto

PhD Advisors: Lisa Jeffrey – Clifton Cunningham


This thesis investigates applications of microlocal geometry in both representation theory and symplectic geometry. Accordingly, there are two bodies of work contained herein.

The first part of this thesis investigates a conjectural geometrization of local Arthur packets. These packets of representations of a p-adic group were invented by Arthur for the purpose of classifying the automorphic discrete spectrum of special orthogonal and symplectic groups. While their existence has been established, an explicit construction of Arthur packets remains difficult. In the case of real groups, Adams, Barbasch, and Vogan showed how one can use a geometrization of the local Langlands correspondence to construct packets of equivariant D-modules that satisfy similar endoscopic transfer properties as the ones defining Arthur packets. We classify the contents of these “microlocal” packets in the analogue of these varieties for p-adic groups, under certain restrictions, for a plethora of split classical groups.

The goal of the second part of this thesis is to find a way to make sense of the Duistermaat-Heckman function for a Hamiltonian action of a compact torus on an infinite dimensional symplectic manifold. We show that the Duistermaat-Heckman theorem can be understood in the language of hyperfunction theory, then apply this generalization to study the Hamiltonian T×S1 action on ΩSU(2). The essential reason for introducing hyperfunction theory is that the local contribution to the Duistermaat-Heckman polynomial near the image of a fixed point is a Green's function for an infinite order differential equation. Since infinite order differential operators do not act on Schwarz distributions, we are forced to use this more general theory.


Event Date: 
Tuesday, April 25, 2017 - 11:10 to 12:00
Voganish: A geometric approach to Arthur packets for p-adic groups